Security is a rising concern for the homeowners as all of us have very precious belongings that need to be safe and well-protected. Certain small and valuable items like gadgets, cash, jewelry laptops, and documents are some of the easiest targets of the thieves. Certain irreplaceable objects like keepsakes and antiques are also equally vulnerable to both fire and theft. It is for this reason that your prized possession should have an extra layer of protection. There are different kinds of safes and they come in a variety of different sizes. Choosing the right wall outlet safe can also be quite a tricky affair. This also needs a lot of consideration because if a safe is not installed properly, then it can be useless. Apart from these, you will also have to consider the costs and also the locking mechanism and also the installation mechanism.
If you are interested to install a rear wall fixing safe, you will have to follow the steps mentioned below:
Step 1: Inventory
It is very important for you to first check if you have all the tools that you will need. You will also have to keep all the parts that come with the safe ready. Many safes will also come with several bolts that have been approved by the manufacturer. Check if you have got the correct number of bolts and you also have a masonry drill suitable for the wall on which you are mounting the safe on.
Step 2: Select the location:
The biggest advantage of these wall safes is that you do not need to drill the floor. But then the floor needs to be solid. The wall should be sturdy and it should be able to take the strain. Also, check if there are any pipes or wires behind the walls. The safe will have pre-drilled holes that will help you understand where the corresponding bolts would go into the wall. You can measure these to find a proper location. Moreover, the door should also have clearance to open properly.
Step 3: Prepare the area
Remove everything whatever you do not need from
the area. Simply put the safe up against the wall and also mark the board using a pencil. After that, you will have to remove the board, cut it down to size and then reattach it. You will also have to remove the carpet. You can do this, by placing the safe and then cutting out the edges.
Step 4: Drill the holes
You will have to mark all those spots where you want to drill. Make sure that the marks line up with the holes.
Step 5: Fit and Safe
You can also align the safe with the holes. Insert the expansion bolts. Tighten the bolts with the screwdriver. Make sure that it fits in tightly. You can also insert shelves inside the safe.
Getting a good plated wall safe will surely help. You can also opt for a hidden wall socket safe from a good company.